(Know the Artist by The Art Tourist's YouTube Channel)
Mary Stevenson Cassatt was an American artist who is widely known for painting portraits of women and children in their everyday lives. She was born in 1844 in what is now Pennsylvania but spent most of her life living in Europe. Cassatt wanted to be an artist but her parents were entirely unsupportive, denying the idea entirely and said women were to be mothers and wives. She kept painting and drawing without the resources most artists had available to them. Being a woman, she was constantly looked down upon by her classmates and teachers, and many others did not approve of her career path.
Despite all the obstacles in her life, she continued pursuing what she loved. She traveled to many places and met countless people. Cassatt ended up painting over 200 pieces! Many of her works center around a main theme: women and children. She focused on portraying women in a domestic setting, usually caring for children. Some of her paintings are only children, laying in bed, playing, reading, etc. Instead of attempting to glamorize the scenes, she paints them as they are, taking an authentic peek through the eyes of women.

Image Source: Portrait of the Artist by Mary Cassatt

Mother and Child: A painting by Mary Cassatt that was done around 1890. It displays a mother sitting, looking at her child, while her child is lounging on her lap, holding her chin. The subjects are in a natural pose and in a simple kitchen opposed to a lavish setting. Not only is this reflected in the painting, it is apparent in the title as well. Instead of naming this piece something poetic or romantic she chose a straightforward approach: Mother and Child.
Works Cited:
Weinberg, H. Barbara. “Mary Stevenson Cassatt (1844–1926).” Metmuseum.org, The Met, https://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/cast/hd_cast.htm.